Monday, May 12, 2014

CAJ Geoengineering - My Plan

What I plan to do for the CAJ topic I have chosen - Geoengineering

1.) I will roughly introduce the topic by giving you some basic information about Geonengineering. This way, I hope to catch your attention and generate your enthusiasm and excitement for Geoengineering. I can promise you, it's quite fascinating. It will make you think more about climate change and the effects it can have if we continue to pollute our Earth.

2.)  After having given you an idea of what Geoengineering is about, I will try to look at this issue from different perspectives. Since its methods and techniques are quite controversial among scientists, I will present you the negative opinions about Geoenginnering. To highlight all aspects, I will also show you the arguments in favor of Geoengineering and why scientists think that it needs to be implemented.

3.) I will also try to update my information and look at the latest/current debates around Geoengineering. I will do so by looking at some newspaper articles.

4.) I plan to write at least one posts for each Geoengineering technique. With the help of included pictures, I will explain it to you. I'm not a physicist but I'll do my best to make it as understandable as possible. Don't expect of me to interpret maths. :-)

5.) How can Geoengineering affect our lives? Or the lives of our children? These are questions I would like to find an answer to.

6.) Since the the documentary "Why are they spraying?" aroused my interest for Geoengineering, I will talk about it shortly. This will be a good way to introduce you to the conspiracy in which most people so falsely believe in. What are chemtrails? Is the government spraying toxic in our air without us knowing it?

5.) In the end, I will summarise my CAJ and present my own opinion about it. After having absorbed this topic for a whole semester, I hope to have a strong opinion about it.

We can't deny climate change anymore. Instead, we should tackle this problem by trying to live in the most sustainable way we can. After all, human beings are the ones who caused climate change so it's our duty to do something against it.

With this in mind I hope to have catched your interest for Geoenginnering :-)

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