Friday, October 11, 2013

5 topic related to the EU

In the last few days I was thinking about some topics which are related to the EU and of which I would gladly write a paper about. The first idea that came to my mind was to relate different hobbies or interests of mine to the EU. The following are my five brilliant topics:

1.) "Caricature and the EU" - As photography is my favourite hobby I tried to come up with an idea which is related to photography. Political cartoons, also called caricature, seems to be just the right topic for me. When I typed in the word "EU caricature" into Google I found large amounts of caricatures which describe different events within the European Union in a cynical and sarcastic way. I plan to analyse some of them.

2.) "Why is Brussels the center of the EU?" - The reason why I came up with this topic is because I love travelling and I've even been to Brussels once. Seeing these huge buildings and a lot of men in suits have left behind an impression. I've always been asking myself why the EU decided to take up residence in Brussels and not in another city. The paper would be a great opportunity to answer this question.

3.) "Requirements to be a translator in the EU" - How many languages are we required to speak if we want to be future translator or interpreters in the European Union? I chose this topic because most of the students at the ITAT want to work in the EU and it would be beneficial to know what exactly is required from us.

4.) "EU and the connection to the Arabic World" - The second language I study is Arabic. It would be interesting to know whether the EU cooperates with Arabic countries and whether there exists a future chance for me to work as a translator in this field.

5.) "When does a country become member of the EU?" - Why are there still countries in the European territory which are not yet part of the EU? What makes a EU country a EU country?


  1. Hi Emina, I am highly interested in your topic "Requirements to be a translator in the EU" since, as you said, most of us think about working there someday. It would be great to read more about it, and you could mention if there are any internships you can apply for.

  2. Hey Mina, I really like your second topic. I asked myself the same question a thousand times and I would be highly interested in reading a paper about it :)
