Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Austrian Tv goes America


If any of you is a little "couchpotatoe" like I often tend to be especially on weekends, there is something very interesting going on in Austrian-Tv  - A special week where great American films and documentations are going to be broadcasted by the Austrian TV- sender "Kabel 1".

What will be exactly showed?
Films about different American events which somehow had great political and social effects on history and few documentations about conspiracy and American lifestyle.

The special week will start on October, 28th.

"The Color Purple" starring Whoopi Goldberg will be the first one of the whole film-pallet. It deals with Blacks in the 20th century. 
"Philadelphia" comes next. Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington both made a briliant performance trying to fight against Aids and dismissal. 
"Die Luftbrücke" is a film produced in Germany. The "Cold War" lastet pretty long and America was involved as well. 
Who assacinated John F. Kennedy? - Collect some interesting information on Monday evening!
"Men of honor" - I really recommend this film if you don't have any particular plans for Halloween. It's actually based on a true story --> The first Afro-American to become a member of the US-Navy. 
You have never seen Chary Sheen not being an oncle? Try "Platoon", it shows you the brutal Vietnam war of a soldier's perspective.
Old costumes and locations in "Gods and Generals" - a story of the American Civil War.
"And the Oscar goes to....Titanic!" - I guess everybody is annoyed of this film by now, well, I AM! 

"God bless America" ... not only for being the country where burgers come from, but also for being the center of producing great films! :-)


 PS: The link above will give you more details concerning time and date!



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